From the Desk of Jim Eccleston at Eccleston Law Offices:
FINRA’s board authorized FINRA to seek comment on a revised proposal to amend Rule 2210 (communications with the public) to require firms to include a readily apparent reference and link to BrokerCheck on any member firm’s website that is available to retail investors.
The board also authorized FINRA to file with the SEC proposed amendments to the customer and industry codes of arbitration procedure to refine and reorganize the definitions of “nonpublic” and “public” arbitrator.
In addition, the board authorized FINRA to file with the SEC proposed Rule 2081, which would prohibit conditioning an arbitration settlement on the expungement of the customer dispute information.
Finally, the board authorized FINRA to file with the SEC proposed amendments to Rule Series 9800 (temporary cease and desist orders), Rule Series 9550 (expedited proceedings) and related rules in the Code of Procedure.
The attorneys of Eccleston Law Offices represent investors and advisers nationwide in securities and employment matters. Our attorneys draw on a combined experience of nearly 50 years in delivering the highest quality legal services.